
Logo Fun!

Well the making of the logo you see on this site is a long story filled with hardships and the like….

Well not really but if your interested in how the logo changed from this old one here…

old logo

To the nice new one you see on top of the site read on πŸ™‚

Well it started about 3 weeks ago at work “on lunch” I started to think of what I was going for on the new site…

I started to draw letters to try and get some idea’s

The thing was I know what I was looking for and I was sure that no font I would be able to find would work for me
So out came the ruler and I started to make my own font!

I started to see it all come together and before long I had the template done πŸ™‚
Say Hi to our little mascot there πŸ™‚

The net part was to have something apart from the logo up there.. I toyed with the idea of having our tent in the logo but it had to be changed into an chibbi tent.

so I started getting that right

Then I uploaded it to Photoshop and started to outline it

I also added to flags to finish the template off

I then started to put the logo and the tent together..

Everything was coming along ok till I hit a wall…

So ok… I have this.. but I’m not happy with that way its looking.. and having a flat colour on that font… well not what I’m looking for..

So I started to doodle on the logo..

And then added a little colour

I really couldn’t wait to get this into Photoshop so the next day I started putting it together

And after a little bit of colouring the tent was ready too

So there you have it

New logos up and its not looking to bad..

I may add bits later but for now its ready πŸ™‚

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