Star Driver
Looking for something new and exciting! why look any further! I have just what you want right here! Star Driver is a new Anime television series that has been created and animated by BONES. For those who might be unfamiliar with BONES they are the same bunch of guys and gals who brought us, Soul Eater, Darker than Black, Eureka Seven and many more! (Naming some of my personal favourites)
I found my self on AniDB looking at the releases for the month of October and that’s when I came across Star Driver. I saw that one episode had already been subbed, so I took a chance…it paid off.
The series revolves around the main Protagonist Takuto Tsunashi who we first meet washed up on the shores of a lush green island called Southern Cross Isle…Yes I said washed up. For some strange reason he decided to swim to this southern isle from mainland Japan where he is found by our stories heroine “Wako Agemaki” and her fiancée “Sugata Shindō” but alas Wako see’s to it that he is alive and conscious.
Takuto Tsunashi also known as the legendary Galactic Pretty Boy! he is also the Pilot of the Cybody “Tauburn” but fear not. Even though this isn’t made clear straight away you will find out sooner then you think 😉
A lot of people say based on the first episode that there is a fair amount of information to be taken in, but it really isn’t that hard to keep up with in my personal opinion. The art style for the anime is very tasteful and shows no fear of animating battles between the series mechs!
The music for this anime is also very nice too, this ranges from the BGM for the show as well as the anime’s Op & Ed. To be honest the music for this anime is very good indeed.
All in all I would highly recommend this series to anyone! also if you have ever seen Revolutionary Girl Utena then this might generate a bit more interest for you, as there are some very similar themes.
Well that’s all from me hope this has help make your decision on whether or not to watch Star Driver!