Our New Events (expanded)
Hello! Today we’ll be going into some more detail on the new events that we’re offering this year. We’ve tried to pack quite a lot into this year’s line-up, while keeping the competitions that you all loved last year.
We don’t know if these will all work out, but we listen to feedback, and will try and make our events next year better based on what you think. So feel free to hit us up during the festival to let us know how we’re doing, or to email us afterwards with any thoughts.
This Little Shrine of Mine (Co-hosted with The Festival)
We say Co-Hosted, but the Festival are mostly responsible for this one. We have had input, but they have put in ALL of the leg work. That said, we’ll be at hand to support, and we feel it deserves a mention here.
Basically, on Friday, you will be given the opportunity to get involved with building a shrine for your team. It’s a bit like Ready Steady cosplay, in that you have certain materials, and a time limit to work with. Unlike our favourite cosplay event, you are ENCOURAGED to bring things from outside the festival to try and make your shrine the best shrine of them all!

The completed shrines will be paraded around at the Opening Ceremony, and will help bolster the team spirit needed
Japanese Culture Panel
This hour long panel aims to bring some history and culture to Tokonatsu, and hopefully in a fun way. We’ll have the History of your houses presented to you in short segments by members of your own team, and then the main parts of the panel begin.
We will have Our own Dando and Foxy presenting a history of Caligraphy/Brush, a history of Kimonos, and a history of Traditional Tea Ceremonies.
As well as this, Hoshino_Draco and Hoshino_Okami will be presenting an Otaku Survival Guide.
We hope you enjoy what we’ve got in store, this is probably the most ambitious of the panels we have planned, and owe a lot to Dando, Foxy, and the Hoshinos for their huge contributions!
Bubble Tea Panel
In the words of our own mad scientist that will be presenting the panel:
“Bubble tea is awesome! It’s fruity and/or milky with chewy, popping balls at the bottom. But have you ever wondered how the balls are made?
Come join me for a hands on demonstration of spherification or as I prefer to call it “how to make your own balls” and find out how.
No science knowledge required, see you there!
Hoshino Draco”

She will be presenting two panels on this, one on the Saturday, and one on the Sunday, so if you miss the first, or love it so much you want to see it again, you will have the opportunity to see it again!
How to Draw Panel
Our own resident Artist has prepared a beginners how to on magna drawing, and drawing in general. So if you’ve always wanted to be able to draw, and you would like some real pointers that will help your newly found craft, head on over to see Hoshino Libra and she’ll get you started.
If you really got a lot from it, and fancy testing out your new skills, we have placed the Art Contest the following day. So sharpen your pencils and get practicing!
2-hour Role Play
If you fancy being my guinea pigs in a new system I’m developing, head on over for a chance to play my new 2-hour role play system. There is no Character Generations as your name, stats, abilities and inventory are assigned at random, and the game can be delved into.
I will be your DM for this event, and aim to have the whole campaign wrapped up in two hours. There will be some wriggle room if we end up running over, but I’m going to try and keep things tightly reigned.
I’m hoping the pace, and lack of character gen will be fun, and if it works well, I’ll expand on it with more scenarios next year.
Nerf War, Co-Hosted with Events.
One of my best bros is attending for the first time this year, called ED-SKaR. He has kindly offered to host an hour long Nerf war session in coordination with the Events team. ED will be bringing around 26 NERF guns for use at the event, and we’ll have Eye protection and ammo available on the day.

You are welcome to bring your own hardware, but eye-protection must be worn, otherwise you will not be permitted to partake.
The first half an hour will comprise of two team based games. One will be a team death match, and the other will be a capture point match (either storm the castle or capture the flag).
The second half will be a game we are calling Big Trouble in Little Toko Town. If you have ever played Resistance, Mafia, or Avalon, the rules will be very similar, but with a live action twist, and guns. The rules will be flly explained before the event, but there will be much secrecy and skull-dugery.
That about warps up our main articles this year! We’ll return tomorrow with some travel advise for those last minute planners, but otherwise, we’ll see you there!
~ Rezal