Tokonatsu 2018 – The Aftermath
As the air cools, and the wasps become distant memories, we take this time to reflect on Tokonatsu 2018, how it went for us, and how it went for you. I would lie if I said the weekend hasn’t left us at Toko-R all a little broken, and thankful for the days after to recover, but that’s because we put our all into this weekend, as did all the Tokonatsu Staff, Gophers and Committee that put their heart and souls into this event every year.
And If I do say so myself, the work paid off. I personally feel that this has been the best Tokonatsu to date, and that’s a sentiment that I’ve heard echoed around the site as we packed up, and on social media since.

As someone that runs events, I didn’t get an awful lot of time to poke my head in to some of the other things running around site, but I did VERY much enjoy the Japanese Life and Culture panel ran by Rebby, and I hear the Martial Arts panel was amazing!
To those that turned up to the events I personally oversaw, thank you! This year saw some of the best Writing Contest entries I’ve seen to date (which we’ll be working to transcribe through out the year!) as well as some of the tightest competition we’ve had so far in the Art contest! And lest we not forget the VERY creative Colouring In contest entries!
When we have time to digitize the results, we’ll get an article up on the winners, and if those that placed at all this year could contact me through our Facebook page, I’d love to invite you all to be judges for next year’s competitions!
The Manga Library this year was also a roaring success, with many attendees during the festival making good use of it! We saw for the first time the addition of lighting and bookshelves, which freed up our table for drawing and chilling! For all those that donated this year, thank you! We have nearly doubled the number of Manga we had from last year, which is amazing!

This year also saw our first successful Bubbletea Panel, our new field game, ZonnbiDoggu, the Toko-R Pub Quiz, and the return of our 2-hour role play! The feedback we got from all the above has been great, and we’re already talking about how we can improve these and build upon their success for next year!
And that’s where you all come in! We would like to invite you all to comment on Facebook and let us know what you think worked, and what we can do better. Those that turned up to both our Zonnbidoggu games will know that we take feedback seriously and look to act upon the suggestions given to us by attendees.

Next week, I plan to make the rounds with the Toko-R staff and find out what their favourite parts of this year’s Toko were, so keep an eye out for that! I can tell you for free, mine was Myst’s game of Werewolf Ultimate 😀