Fourteen manga review. What am I reading!?
Well, where to start really…
I have been reading manga for many years and in that time I have seen some truly terrible ones.
Then we have Fourteen by Kazuo Umezu … this manga has a place in the terrible hall of fame for me personally.
The art style is pretty bad, at times it almost like a team of children put this together but didn’t talk to themselves on what they were doing…
Let’s point out that this is listed as a horror manga… I’m not sure how they decided that but for me, it currently falls in the category of, “What the hell am I reading” and “my god this is so bad” Sometimes you find yourself laughing at how bad it really is.
The story revolves around a world in the dystopic future, 2200.
The world belongs to us and we will do with it what we will. That tree… chop it down! We care not!
The government controls the media and the government are puppets to a higher unseen power.
We get our food from processed meat factories, until one day…
On that fateful day… 1 chicken breast… *yes, I did say… Chicken Breast* was chosen to unite all animal kind and fight back against their human masters!
Moreover, for the hell of it, we will call him Chicken George!
He has had enough and he is intent on destroying the human race… hold up… or is he?? Well maybe not?… but then there’s love? Or… something else?… I am not sure what is going on here…
Confusing is a word that I like to use the most with this manga… but I will tell you something… I am still reading it!
Yes it’s defiantly the worst manga I have ever seen but… I cannot stop reading it…
There are so many things happening in this manga, just when you think you know what is about to happen… something completely different comes along!
It is as if they had 15 teams, they all went off and started writing different manga’s and when they were done they tried to place them all in the same book… it’s amazingly bad but… but… great at the same time…
As said the Art is bad… no words other than bad… everyone has the same eyes and their faces all look the same. Really, the art style is the worst…
The characters are all over the top, over-reactive and just awful… lol
However, I am still reading it…
Chicken George… he will be the reason you read this…
So what do you take from this? I am really not sure but if you need a laugh give it a try…
PS I will be utterly disappointed if I do not see a Chicken George cosplay at Toko 2019!
