Toko R cinema 2017
Hi Guys!
Its Mike “M pro”
Thanks to MVM once again we are able to bring Anime back to Toko 2017.
Really without the help of MVM there would be no anime at Tokonatsu at all . They have supplied us with anime for the last 3 years!
So head over to MVM’s site and have a look at what they have available.
So without further ado… here is the Toko R cinema show teasers
Time table
Music intermission
8:00 pm Busuo Shinki 2 episodes
Music intermission
9:00 pm Little Busters 2 episodes
Music intermission
8:00 pm Invaders of the Rokujyouma 2 episodes
Music intermission
9:00 pm Serial Experiments Lain
Ill also probably put something else on depending if we have time as a plus 😉
M pro out!