That leaflet in your conbags…
So, it’s been a week since most of us left, what I think we’d all agree, was probably the best Tokonatsu to date! I’d like to spend some time thanking those involved in making it so from our perspective, and to go into detail what made it so awesome for me, but I’ll save that for a later article. Today, I’d like to talk to you all a bit about an issue that, for me, is a lot closer to home. With in all of your con-bags, you would have received a leaflet that looks like the below, and on a casual glance, it looks like a bit of fun…
Heckle Rezal
Time for some shameless self-promoting! As some of you probably know (especially those in the Toko Hype Group ^.^) I have started my own youtube channel about two months back and have been publishing at least two videos a week. I thought I’d take the time now to explain a little about what it is I and my hecklers do, and what we aim for in the future. Heckle Rezal For those that don’t know, we have chosen to adopt a format which essentially is a let’s play, but instead of just me playing a game, and responding to those on a Twitch feed, I invite a bunch of mates…
Hibanacon 2017 – First thoughts
Hello all! It’s been a couple of weeks now since Hibanacon launched their first convention at the Jury’s Inn, Milton Keynes! We at Toko-Retreat were unfortunately not in full attendance, but we did pop down to say hi to friends outside, and were lucky enough to be invited to be shown around the venue, got to see the Games room, and hung out in the bar area with a lot of the attendees, which was a free access area outside of the convention. The Games Room is virtually fully kitted out by Captain Tyler, and his collection of retro to modern consoles. Needless to say though, there was plenty to…
Tokonatsu 2017 Shop now open!
Greetings all! By now, regular attendees will be familiar with the idea of Tokonatsu branded T-Shirts and Hoodies going on sell for the given year. Like most cons and festivals, it’s a pretty standard setup. What you might not be aware of this time is, The Tokonatsu shop is only producing T-Shirts and Hoodies on a per-order basis. That means you won’t be able to buy any at the festival this year ad-hoc, and you MUST place an order for them ahead of Tokonatsu 2017. They will produce the numbers as per the orders, and you can collect your merc at the campsite. That said…looking at the new designs, they…
Toko-R 2017 Art/Writing Contest Judges
Greetings all! We are currently planning the contests for this years Tokonatsu, and we’re looking for judges! As such, we thought it would be a nice idea to invite the winners of last years competitions to come forward to judge this year, if they are so interested. We don’t have contact details for you all, but we have Jinxy of Jinxy Dragon Cosplay confirmed as a Judge already, she was one of the top three entrants in last years art contest, and has since become a celebrity in her own right through her amazing cosplays! (Seriously, go check it out!) If the winners don’t step forward, we will be accepting…
Origa passing.
A little late posting this but Singer and sing writer Origa has passed away at the age of 44 due to lung cancer. The singer passed away on the January 17, 2015(2015-01-17) We previously recommended Origa in our Jpop section Here and where saddened to here of her passing. On Saturday, January 17 at 8:20 AM, ORIGA’s short life was ended due to a heart failure at 44 years of age. It all happened in a flash following 8 days of hospitalization in the Kanagawa Prefecture. … ORIGA arrived to Sapporo as an exchange student in 1991 and began her music activities in Japan as a singer-songwriter. She lived…
Happy Xmas from TokoRetreat!
Been a little slow posting news lately… bad Mike! Update! almost all of you now know that the registrations is now open for Tokonatsu 2015! but if your one of the ones that have been living under a rock for the last week then head over to here and register Car park permits can be registered here little update… on the 12 of Jan Me and Nicci will be expecting our first! now you know why I have been slow posting news
one last thing! Have an amazing Christmas Guys from everyone “lol me” at TokoRetreat!
Move completed!
As you know we have been down for 2 days as we moved Tokoretreat and our house! Servers on and everything’s working OK on tests Coming up is another amazing review by Adam Bould
Tokonatsu 2014!
Tokonatsu 2014 will be held this time next month!
We still have lots to do and get ready but we can share this little bit of news with you.. This year TokoRetreat will be looking after the chill out Tents, This is something new for Tokonatsu and is mostly for all you new Tokonatsu goers that need help and info. Its great to see that the committee members are trying to make Tokonatsu better every year. So pop in and say Hi
Thanks to M Pro
I’d like to thank M Pro for all the hard work he has put into putting the new site together, and providing so much new content. We plan on working to bring you more reviews and news from the world of animation and Japanese culture. If anyone is interested in contributing towards the content here, let us know via our Facebook page or Twitter feed!