• Camping Survival Tips (some might be real...),  Tokonatsu 2023 News

    How to deal with the Heat while Camping

    Well, it’s less than a week until we see you all, and if you haven’t bought your ticket yet, there’s still time! Head on over to <a href=”https://www.tokonatsu.org.uk/registration/ticket” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>the ticket page now!</a> This year has been one of the hottest years on record, and with that heat comes a good amount of danger. At the time I’m writing this, the Met office has issued warnings, suggesting that if it can be helped, you stay out of the sun entirely until the heat wave is over, and to definitely avoid the hours of 11am-1pm. Given the nature of Toko, it’s unlikely anyone is going to be following this advice, so…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Essentials that you should bring to Tokonatsu

    Every year, we get all excited, and flustered, and pack everything we think we’ll need at Tokonatsu, and let’s be honest with ourselves, every year we forget something. It could be a toothbrush, or a torch, but you’ll get to a point in the weekend, and think, “Doh!” So we’re here today to provide a list of what we think are the essentials that every Con Goer should pack, to ensure they have the bare minimum to get by comfortably for the weekend. How many will you forget? 1. Torch It gets dark at night, and you’re going to want to be able to see. Whether you are going to…