Toko 20016 ends
Well we are now all back home and for most of you also back at work and Toko 2016 went to fast and Toko 2017 seems so fare away!
Well what an amazing Toko! the events grounds looked amazing and this year there where no broken bones to be seen 😉
As for Toko R the events we ran went very well and the turn out was amazing so thank you to everyone that participated in the Toko R events this year.
As for the event winners Rezal will be in touch with the winners shortly to give them there prizes for the Speed Drawing Competition and the Speed Fiction Competition.
Also thank you to everyone that came to the Toko R cinema this year, we had a great turn out and hopefully we introduced you to some great Anime thanks to MVM.
For now I’m caching up with what needs doing and off the bat I have updated the Toko 2016 gallery with all the photos from Toko 2016… well there still uploading as there where so many 😮
Toko 2016 Gallery
loads more updates to come as soon as I get things sorted 😉
M pro out!