Toko 2022 in 29 days!
29 days… lets let that sync in for as minute… 29 days… I just had the realisation that I have a lot of work to do to get things done in 29 days :o.
Need less to say this has been a shock…
Thankfully the Guys at MVM https://www.mvm-films.com/ have done us proud once again by supplying us Anime for the TokoR Anime cinema and also competition prizes for the many events we will be running this year!
So its about time I got started then 😮
Also the ever popular Zonbidoggu will finally be making a return to Toko22 as well as other TokoR events.
If you don’t know what that is then head over to the following links. Will you survive? What’s Coming From the other side Zombie Nation
So if you have not booked your place yet its running from the 28th July to the 1st August Tickets available here
M pro