Essentials that you should bring to Tokonatsu
Every year, we get all excited, and flustered, and pack everything we think we’ll need at Tokonatsu, and let’s be honest with ourselves, every year we forget something. It could be a toothbrush, or a torch, but you’ll get to a point in the weekend, and think, “Doh!”
So we’re here today to provide a list of what we think are the essentials that every Con Goer should pack, to ensure they have the bare minimum to get by comfortably for the weekend.
How many will you forget?
1. Torch
It gets dark at night, and you’re going to want to be able to see. Whether you are going to the loo, or trying to navigate to the Bonfire, without some light, you’ll end up tripping over a tent or worse.
In most cases, a cheap LED torch from any major supermarket will last you the weekend. Bring spare batteries just in case though!
If you are feeling like overkill, as I often do, you could opt for the same torch, or similar as me, and not have to worry about batteries, coming with a set of rechargeable ones. For those interested, my torch is this:
2. Spare Clothing
This might seem like a no-brainer, but you should bring extra on top of the number of days, as you’ll likely be getting involved in a water fight, or getting dirty putting up tents. Spare clothes are just a nice buffer so you’re not forced to wear several day old, damp, dirty shirts.
Maybe that’s your thing though…but it shouldn’t be.
3. Towel
You will NEED a shower at Toko. If you are sensible, you will need one daily. Bring a towel for the love of everyone around you. Bring it, and use it. Please. That is all.
4. Toiletries
These should include as a minimum, Toothpaste, Shower gel, and a toothbrush. Anything you want to add extra is up to you, but try and make sure these are packed!
5. Tent
May not apply to those staying in a Toko-Tent, or with a friend, but if you don’t bring a tent, and you haven’t arranged to stay in someone else’s, it’s going to be a cold night. There are no inside options at Toko, so this really should be high on the list of musts.
6. Sun-Screen
The number of people that don’t bring sun screen, and leave Toko looking like an over-cooked lobster…bring this. It’ll get hot, and it’ll get VERY Sunny. If you want to reduce the risk of being burnt, you’ll want something in the range of SPF 50.
If you can find Banana Boat for Adults, this is a very good one. I’ve heard kids sunscreen is less effective on Adults, might be something to look into when you’re buying.
Maybe you like being toasty bacon though?
7. Photo ID
This is important, as it is required at registrations to collect your badge. It is also ESSENTIAL if you are over 18 and you want to drink. If you can not prove with Photo ID that you are over 18, you will not be given a wrist band. If you are caught drinking on site without a wrist band, you will be ejected from site, and banned from further festivals.
Also, don’t give alcohol to anyone without a wristband. If you are caught doing so, you will be ejected, banned, and have the police contacted. This is illegal, don’t do it.
Though this list probably doesn’t cover everything, and there will be things you would want to bring that perhaps I don’t consider essential, here is a quick list of everything else I have on my Necessities list:
• Second Torch
• Power Bank
• Hand Towel
• Phone
• Phone charger
• Sandals and Trainers
• Cosplay
• Camping Chair
• Camping bed (I have a Self inflating, but standard Airbed is probably a good idea if nothing else)
• Kindle
• Peg hammer
• Ice Box
• Headphones
• Wasp Trap
• Hats!!
Do you agree with our list? Is there anything else you would add yourself? Feel free to let us know in the comments on Facebook, we’d love to hear what you think!
Not long to go now, only a few days! How prepared are you?
See you soon!
~ Rezal