• Tokonatsu 2023 News

    New Event Toko ’14 – MOVE THAT FLAG!

    I know what you’re all thinking, last Toko, there wasn’t enough water…there wasn’t enough soaked to the bone feelings going on. That ever growing urge to decimate your opponent with overwhelming firepower just wasn’t sated with enough variety… We know, and we feel you…we really do. So with great pleasure I’m able to tell you know, that the Events team at Toko have heard your bloodlust filled cries, and have answered with a new event. MOVE THAT FLAG! The details we have so far, it’s going to involve waterguns…good, kicking things of in the right direction. It will also have…FLAGS! Everyone loves a good flag, but you might be thinking…we…

  • Review

    Sword Art Online

    So, it has been some time since I’ve kicked out a review. It’s been a busy year, what with settling into a new job, getting my wife into the country and moving into my first house. Things are starting to settle down though, and I’ve been able to get some anime watching done. Today’s review is going to be on Sword Art Online, a recently released Anime that has received some popular feedback, and spans over two story arcs. SAO primarily takes place in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), using Virtual Reality headsets to completely immerse its players in the universe created. In this Anime, Sword Art…

  • News

    Thanks to M Pro

    I’d like to thank M Pro for all the hard work he has put into putting the new site together, and providing so much new content. We plan on working to bring you more reviews and news from the world of animation and Japanese culture. If anyone is interested in contributing towards the content here, let us know via our Facebook page or Twitter feed!

  • Review

    Ouran High School Host Club

    Heya Guys! It’s been some time again since I’ve given a review, but it’s also been some time since I’ve watched Anime again…I really need to keep up on this, but well…I suck, there we go, what can I do… Anyhow, the lass me and my wife are staying with suggested that I watch the Ouran High Host Club, and while I’m sitting here watching the fourth episode, I’m more than happy that she did. On the surface, it looks like a stereo typical girls anime, set in a high school, with overly pretty boys. Break through the surface though, and it’s so much more. Honestly, I’m honestly surprised by…

  • Review

    Kamisama Hajimemashita

    So as you all know, I’ve been watching some Kamisama Hajimemashita, or Kamisama Kiss as it’s translated for the English speaking market, so, finally, after weeks, here is my review based on the first three episodes. So, the story follows a school girl, Nanami, that has fallen on hard times, her father has run away, and I think her mother is dead. Thus, the family home has been reclaimed, and she has been forced to the streets, camping to survive (Fruits Basket much?) So she meets whom appears to be a kindly stranger who says she can go live at his place, and then gives her a kiss on the…

  • Review

    Fairy Tail

    OK, so it’s been a while since I did my first Anime Review, so I thought I’d do another one for you lovely people I’ve been recently watching Fairy Tail, and have got through the first 20 episodes. This is one of those epic scale Anime’s that have over 100 Episodes and counting, so if you get into it, be prepared to be in for a long haul! I must say, I have been very impressed so far with this magical fight style Anime. From episode 1 it’s packed with explosive action and comedy while staying quick paced and fresh feeling. I must admit that some of my initial thoughts…

  • Review


    My First shall be on the Anime Noein. I’ve currently watched most of the series, and have really liked what I’ve seen so far. Pretty much from the get go, the anime starts with action, throwing you in the deep of things straight away. I wouldn’t call it an action anime really, even though there are some kick ass fight scenes every couple of episodes, but then, I’m not sure how I would classify it. It touches on a lot of subjects in it’s subplot, teen love, dealing with parents, devoice, death. The Major plot revolves around the fact that multiple dimensions exist, and a dimension that exists 15 years…

  • Review


    Hi Guys! It’s been awhile since I’ve given any semblance of an update, so I’m going to try and watch some new anime weekly and give you my thoughts on it 🙂 So here’s my first of hopefully many! It’s been some time since I’ve seen some anime, my work and social life exploding a fair bit in the last year. So it was nice to find myself with a free evening last week, and sit down to something that I love so much. Flicking through the library of anime at my finger tips, I come across s-CRY-ed. Now, I had heard of this through Momiji-Dono when he’d showed me…