Tokonatsu 2023 News

What's happening??

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Tokonatsu 2024

    Well hello everyone and welcome to a long needed update. Toko 2024 is now over and what a Toko it was! If I remember Toko this year for anything I will remember it as the year of the Toko panels, as every one of the panels that where on where packed with Toko Goer’s! So thank you to everyone that hosted a Panel at Toko this year! you are all amazing and give your all to make Tokonatsu better every year. And as I’m here I would like to put out a giant thank you to everyone that had a hand in making Tokonatsu what it really is. and that’s…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Toko 2023 gallery’s are now live!

    After many hours of frustration on a bugged plugging… The site is now finally in working order! And with that the ability to upload has returned… so… that can only mean one thing right?… The Tokonatsu 2023 gallery’s are now live! Videos incoming also 😮  

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Only 11 Days Till Toko 2023!

    Well we only have “looks” 11 days until Toko 2023! Needless to say we have all been working away in the background to bring you the best Toko yet! 😀 And Thanks to our good friend’s at MVM Films we are once again able to bring you the Toko R 2023 cinema! But what do we have for you this year? On Saturday 19:00 1 hour of top Jpop songs 20:00 Flying Witch “Episodes 1 and 2” 20:49 Japanese advert brake 21:00 Witchblade “Episodes 1 and 2” On Sunday 19:00 1 hour of top Jpop songs 20:00 Burst Angel “Episodes 1 and 2” 20:47 Japanese advert brake 21:00 Assassins Pride “Episodes 1…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Relive Tokonatsu 2022.

    Well its once again that time where we relive the amazing event that was Tokonatsu 2022. Below you will find numerous Videos that Toko R shot during Toko 22, and we would like to share them with you once again. So sit back, relax and relive Tokonatsu 22.    Tokonatsu 2022 Opening Ceremony 29/07/22 Tokonatsu 2022. Silent Disco. 29/07/22 Tokonatsu 2022 walk by touch light 29/07/22 Tokonatsu 2022 Cosplay Masquerade 30/7/22 Tokonatsu 2022 Zombiedoggu! 30/07/22 Tokonatsu 2022 closing ceremony 31/07/22

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    A Big thank you to all the Panel hosts this year.

    As well as all the Panels we run there are many that are run by Toko staff as well as volunteers. They do this because they want to make Tokonatsu better in every way and because they love Tokonatsu. They also do it to share something with you and to fill your Toko experience with joy.   Felting Panel. Once again hosted by Toko’s own Masschan and Catbutter, the Felting Panel has always been a massive success at Toko. And this year was no exception, it was so popular we had to find more tables and chairs to facilitate the influx! The Felting Panel brings something special to Tokonatsu and…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Tokonatsu 2022 comes to an end!

    Well, what a Tokonatsu! 😮 I can’t tell you how busy we all where with the events we run and helped run. It seemed like we never stopped! But what an amazing Tokonatsu! I would like to thank everyone at Toko R for all the amazing work over the year in getting everything ready in time and thank also all the staff at Tokonatsu for all the support they provided us and in once again arranging an amazing experience for everyone.   Toko R. Ready steady backdrop. This year we had the great idea that was… Ready Steady Backdrop! Giant house themed paintings that YOU made! That we then used in the…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Toko 2022 in 29 days!

    29 days… lets let that sync in for as minute… 29 days… I just had the realisation that I have a lot of work to do to get things done in 29 days :o. Need less to say this has been a shock… Thankfully the Guys at MVM have done us proud once again by supplying us Anime for the TokoR Anime cinema and also competition prizes for the many events we will be running this year! So its about time I got started then 😮 Also the ever popular Zonbidoggu will finally be making a return to Toko22 as well as other TokoR events. If you don’t know what that is then…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    And we are back!

    Well, what should have taken 2 weeks went into 7 weeks! What can I say… well to remove the boxes took longer than expected and then I had to lay the network down to the servers new location in the house… but before that we have to get the loft converted so we could store things up there… and finally when I went to power on the server! BANG!… 😮 Little did I know that somehow, some water had got into the power supplies of the server! Que me running around like a crazy man trying to find the box with the server spares in. Anyway, after that and a…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Tokonatsu 2021 Live Streams

    As Tokonatsu 2021 is now a distant memory let us bring you back to that golden time “2 years in the making” with the Live streams that we streamed over the curse of Tokonatsu 2021. Or if you where one of the ones that couldn’t make it this year you can also take part in some of what was Tokonatsu 2021 by watching what went on. So onto the Streams! Opening Ceremony Para Para Panel! Toko 2021 Cosplay Masquerade Toko 2021 Felting panel Toko 2021 Closing Ceremony Toko 2021